Choosing R or Python for data analysis? An infographic

DataCamp. 2015-05-12.
I think you’ll agree with me if I say: It’s HARD to know whether to use Python or R for data analysis. And this is especially true if you’re a newbie data analyst looking for the right language to start with. It turns out that there are many good resources that can help you to figure out the strengths and weaknesses of both languages. They often go into great detail, and provide a tailored answer to questions such as “What should I use for Machine Learning?”, or “I need a fast solution, should I go for Python or R?”. In today’s post, I present to you our new Infographic “Data Science Wars: R vs Python”, that highlights in great detail the differences betweens these two languages from a data science point of view. So that next time you are debating R vs Python for machine learning, statistics, or maybe even the Internet of Things, you can have a look at the infographic and find the answer

[Choosing R or Python for data analysis? An infographic]

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