CaptureManager SDK

Evgeny Pereguda. CodeProject. 2016-10-02.
Simple SDK for capturing, recording and streaming video and audio from web-cams on Windows OS by Windows Media Foundation.
This article presents my project for capturing of video and audio sources on Windows OS by Microsoft Media Foundation.
I have spent much time on resolving of different tasks with processing of video and audio data, and researched techniques for capturing of video and audio on Windows family OSs. DirectShow was the main technique for capturing live-video on Windows family OSs for long time. However, since Vista OS Microsoft has introduced a new framework for working with video and audio – Microsoft Media Foundation, and since Windows7 OS it has features for working with web-cam via USB Video Class driver and line audio input. I included that technology into many projects and wrote two articles about it: Capturing Live-video from Web-camera on Windows 7 and Windows 8 and Capturing Video from Web-camera on Windows 7 and 8 by using Media Foundation. Those articles present simple libraries for capturing web-cams and grabbing of image frames, but Microsoft Media Foundation is much more powerful framework. After some thinking, I have decided to write a new solution for working with live-video and audio which can be more flexible than my previous solutions, and can take much more power (or force :)) of Microsoft Media Foundation. The solution, which can compete with Microsoft solution. The solution, which can be called the best anyone have seen before by any developer.

[CaptureManager SDK]

Open new Window from ViewModel in WPF MVVM

Rav! Srivastava. CodeProject. 2016-10-02.
Implementing Factory design pattern to open new Window from ViewModel in WPF MVVM.
I got several question posted on web “How to open new window from view model in MVVM pattern” and I have also encountered the same problem  at beginner level  after googling and learning design pattern got the solution of this problem  and  decided to write an article with deep discussion. In this article we are going to implement the Factory Design Pattern. It will provide a flexible and loosely coupled environment.

[Open new Window from ViewModel in WPF MVVM]


StyleCop analyzes C# source code to enforce a set of style and consistency rules. It can be run from inside of Visual Studio or integrated into an MSBuild project. StyleCop has also been integrated into many third-party development tools.
The goal is to define guidelines to enforce consistent style and formatting and help developers avoid common pitfalls and mistakes.
StyleCop contributes to this maintainability by encouraging consistency of style, which in turn makes it easier for developers to pick up existing code and work with it productively, and by encouraging plenty of documentation for future developers to read thereby improving the long term maintainability of the source.
Historically, different development groups have used drastically different coding styles. Many teams have used inconsistent coding styles within a single product or even a single source file. StyleCop was originally written to provide a simple and efficient way to enforce a common coding style for C# code throughout Microsoft.
Over time, StyleCop evolved to include new rules that go beyond style checks. StyleCop has become a good complement to FxCop (Code Analysis). FxCop analyzes compiled .NET binaries, while StyleCop analyzes the original source code. This allows StyleCop to investigate issues in code that are thrown away by the compiler. StyleCop could also be used to investigate issues in non-compiled languages such as JavaScript or Xml.
StyleCop provides an extensibility mechanism allowing parsers and analyzers for any language to be plugged into the system. Individual developers or teams can write and deploy their own rules, or integrate support for new languages. The StyleCop SDK provides support for writing StyleCop add-ins.
